Those who create knowledge need your know-how

Whether you have a scientific, administrative or technical background,
take part in the challenges of science and society.
Discover the more than 200 professions that make up the CNRS.

Discover the research professions

Fundamental research or applied research overview of the jobs you can do at CNRS.

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Discover careers in research support

Accompanying and supporting research and innovation Discover the full range of jobs available at CNRS.

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Our latest job offers

The CNRS recruits engineers and technicians (M/F) in all areas of professional activity, as well as doctoral students (M/F) and post-doctoral researchers (M/F) in all scientific disciplines, on fixed-term contracts, in addition to external competitive recruitment campaigns.


MONTPELLIER - Western Occitania

GIF SUR YVETTE - Paris Region

PALAISEAU - Paris Region


Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning Plant Maintenance Operations Manager M/F

TOULOUSE - Eastern Occitania

Our agents (M/F) testify

Céline Vallot
Researcher at the CNRS
"Innovation goes hand in hand with research: multidisciplinary in nature, it allows us to ask new questions, break down silos and stay competitive."
Céline Vallot
Researcher at the CNRS
Jihane Maalmi
Research engineer in electronics at the Irène Joliot-Curie Laboratory of Physics of the Two Infinites
"The role of engineers is to enable physicists to carry out the experiments they imagine, and there can be no science without technology and engineers. "
Jihane Maalmi
Research engineer in electronics at the Irène Joliot-Curie Laboratory of Physics of the Two Infinites
Etienne Meunier
Biology researcher
"Forget the looks, forget everything else, just go for it!"
Etienne Meunier
Biology researcher
Jean-Philippe Domergue
Administrative and Financial Manager, Analysis, Geometry and Applications Laboratory
"You can have a very rich career, you can move from one trade to another. "
Jean-Philippe Domergue
Administrative and Financial Manager, Analysis, Geometry and Applications Laboratory
Ingela Alger
"My books are a source of inspiration, which helps with creativity in everyday life."
Ingela Alger
Jimmy L.
Systems and network administrator at the CNRS Aquitaine Delegation
"I started out in the south of France and today I'm in the Aquitaine region thanks to the CNRS mobility process. "
Jimmy L.
Systems and network administrator at the CNRS Aquitaine Delegation
Francis Hulin-Hubard
Experimental platform architecture engineer
"I've been lucky enough to work with people with extreme skills. And that's pretty nice."
Francis Hulin-Hubard
Experimental platform architecture engineer
Patrizia Borghetti
Head of partnerships and research promotion at the CNRS Corporate Department
"I feel this same commitment to a common goal: to participate in the valorization of public research and assert CNRS's place as a key player in innovation."
Patrizia Borghetti
Head of partnerships and research promotion at the CNRS Corporate Department
Vincent Villette
Researcher in neurobiology
"It's together that we get to do research."
Vincent Villette
Researcher in neurobiology