Colloquium Jacques Morgenstern

- Colloquium Jacques Morgenstern

Le cycle des colloquiums Jacques Morgenstern propose un colloquium le jeudi 04 avril 2013 à 11h, intitulé "Speculating Seriously in Distributed Computing", par Rachid GUERRAOUI, Professeur à l'École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFL. Cette intervention aura lieu sur le Campus SophiaTech - Inria Sophia Antipolis - Amphi Morgenstern.

Le cycle des colloquiums Jacques Morgenstern propose un colloquium le jeudi 04 avril 2013 à 11h, intitulé "Speculating Seriously in Distributed Computing", par Rachid GUERRAOUI, Professeur à l'École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFL. Cette intervention aura lieu sur le Campus SophiaTech - Inria Sophia Antipolis - Amphi Morgenstern.

 Résumé  :

A complexity theory for distributed computing has emerged in the last decades, measuring complexity for each specific model of the networked environment, represented by an adversary that may provoke asynchrony, failures, contention, etc. This one adversary - one result approach led to an exponential proliferation of seemingly unrelated results, none of which captures current practices in the development of distributed applications. Instead, applications rely on speculative algorithms that perform well when the environment behaves nicely and gracefully degrades if the environment is more hostile, considering thereby several adversaries at the same time. With no underlying theory, the proposed speculative algorithms lack however rigor and there is anecdotal evidence of their fragility. It is moreover usually impossible to predict their behavior or determine whether their limitations are related to fundamental impossibilities or artifacts of specific infrastructures. The goal of this talk is to discuss a glimmer of a theory of speculative distributed computing.

Informations et lieu de l'événement : Campus SophiaTech - Bâtiment Forum.

Le cycle des colloquiums Jacques Morgenstern propose un colloquium le jeudi 04 avril 2013 à 11h, intitulé "Spe