Le cycle des colloquiums Jacques Morgenstern propose un
colloquium le jeudi 20 juin 2013 à
11h, intitulé "The
Frobenius Problem and Its Generalizations", par Jeffrey
SHALLIT, Professor of Computer Science, University of Waterloo,
Canada. Cette intervention aura lieu sur le Campus SophiaTech -
Inria Sophia Antipolis - Amphi Morgenstern.
Le cycle des colloquiums Jacques Morgenstern propose un
colloquium le jeudi 20 juin 2013 à
11h, intitulé "The
Frobenius Problem and Its Generalizations", par Jeffrey
SHALLIT, Professor of Computer Science, University of Waterloo,
Canada. Cette intervention aura lieu sur le Campus SophiaTech -
Inria Sophia Antipolis - Amphi Morgenstern.
Résumé :
The classical but oddly little-known Frobenius problem from
number theory is the following: given a set of positive integers
with greatest common divisor equal to 1, find the largest integer
not representable as a non-negative integer linear combination of
the set elements. This largest integer is called the Frobenius
number. For example, the Frobenius number of 6, 9, and 20 is
In this talk I will survey some of the known results on this
problem and its applications to computer science, and a new
generalization of this problem to words (strings of symbols).
Informations et lieu de l'événement : Campus
SophiaTech - Bâtiment Forum.