IMEKO - International
Measurement Confederation Technical Committee 11
"Metrological Infrastructure" (TC 11) organises
First International Symposium
RMO 2008 - Regional Metrology
Organisations 2008 - November 12-15, 2008
"Metrology, testing, and accreditation - breaking the
trading barriers" in Cavtat - Dubrovnik,
Important dates:
Paper Submission Deadline: June 2, 2008
Acceptance Notification: June 16, 2008
The aim of the Symposium is to bring together International
Organisations - BIPM - Bureau International des Poids et Mesures,
OIML - International Organisation for Legal Metrology, and ILAC -
International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation, and Regional
Metrology Organisations (RMO’s) - AFRIMET,
Representatives of the international organisations and chairpersons
of RMO’s will describe functioning and prospective of their
organisations. The representatives of the National Metrology
Institutes (NMI’s) will be invited to present their efforts
and to discuss hot topics and challenges
Steering Committee
Andrew Wallard; Bureau International des Poids et Mesures - BIPM,
Humberto Brandi; Sistema Interamericano de Metrologia - SIM,
Keith Jones; Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme - APMP,
Willem Kool; OIML, BIML Assistant Director
Wolfgang Schmid; EURAMET Secretary Jean Luc Laurent; EUROLAB,
Seton Bennett; National Physical Laboratory, Director, Great
Luc Erard; Research and Development - LNE, Director, France
Philippe Charlet; Laboratoire National d'Essais, France
Hidetaka Imai; National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science
and Technology, NMIJ/AIST, Japan
Janko Drnovšek; Laboratory of Metrology and Quality,
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Vikram Kumar; APMP Developing Economies Committee Chairman
Abdérafi Charky; Comité africain de
métrologie, CAFMET, Chairman
Mladen Borši%u0107; IMEKO TC 11 Metrological Infrastructure,
Part of the Symposium will be the 20th International Metrology
Technical Sessions
Mass and related quantities (including force, pressure, air
density, torque, viscosity and hardness)
Electricity and magnetism (including RF and microwave)
Length (form measurements, complex geometry, angular measurements,
laser measurements, nanometrology, surface texture)
Time and frequency
Thermometry (including thermophysical properties and
Ionising radiation (including radiometry and dosimetry)
Photometry and radiometry (including fiber optics)
Flow (including fluid properties)
Acoustics, ultrasound and vibration (including accelerometry)
Amount of substance.
Potential authors are invited to submit final papers in English via
the website see the
instructions on web site
The authors of selected papers, presented during 1st RMO 2008 and
20th Metrology Symposium, will be encoureged to submit updated and
extended versions of those papers to the journal Measurement
(Elsevier, IMEKO -
Important dates:
Paper Submission Deadline: June 2, 2008
Acceptance Notification: June 16, 2008