1st International Symposium RMO 2008 (Regional Metrology Organizations) - DR18

- 1st International Symposium RMO 2008 (Regional Metrology Organizations) - DR18

International Streering and Organising Committees encourage to present the paper (oral or poster) at International Measurement Confederation - IMEKO TC 11 "Metrological Infrastructure" - International Symposium: "Metrology, testing, and accreditation - breaking the trading barriers" in Cavtat, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 12 - 15 November 2008 (www.rmo2008.org).

Organising Committee presents the programme including technical sessions, workshops, round table discussions, and exhibition on topics of highest interest.

International Technical Sessions

- Mass and related quantities (including force, pressure, air density, torque, viscosity and hardness)
- Electricity and magnetism (including RF and microwave)
- Length, form measurements, complex geometry, angular measurements, laser measurements, nanometrology, surface texture.
- Time and frequency
- Thermometry (including thermophysical properties and humidity)
- Ionising radiation (including radiometry and dosimetry)
- Photometry and radiometry (including fiber optics)
- Flow (including fluid properties)
- Acoustics, ultrasound and vibration (including accelerometry)
- Amount of substance

International Streering and Organising Committees encourage to present the paper (oral or poster) at Internati