A new journal! "The Journal of Innovation Economics (JIE)" - Info Nord Pas de Calais

- A new journal! "The Journal of Innovation Economics (JIE)" - Info Nord Pas de Calais

We are pleased to announce the creation of a new journal:
Title: Journal of Innovation Economics (JIE)
Language : English
Disciplines : Economics, management, sociology of organisations
2 issues per year
JIE is linked to "Innovations, Cahiers dÂ'Economie de lÂ'Innovation" supported by and the Research Network on Innovation (RRI, http://rri.univ-littoral.fr) and the Research Unit on Industry and Innovation (Lab.RII, http://rii.univ-littoral.fr)

Please draw attention to the "call for papers" of the issue n°2 of this journal:

Topic: Dynamics of innovation and new forms of organisation and governance of the firm
Editors : Abdelillah Hamdouch , Blandine Laperche , Francis Munier

Call for paper on RRI's website

Call for paper on LabRII's website

- Proposal of paper (One or two pages abstract): June, 1, 2008
- Acceptation of abstract: June 15, 2008
- Full paper: September 1, 2008
- Reviewing process and final decisions on the publication of papers: October 15, 2008

We are pleased to announce the creation of a new journal: Title: Journal of Innovation Economics (JIE) Lan