Séminaire du Centre Interdisciplinaire de Nanoscience de Marseille

- Séminaire du Centre Interdisciplinaire de Nanoscience de Marseille

Conférence de Philippe GUYOT-SIONNEST (Université de Chicago, Illinois, USA) le jeudi 18 juin 2009 à 16 h, CINaM (salle Raymond Kern), Campus de Luminy, Marseille : «Optical and electronic studies of nanoscale colloidal systems».

I will report on some of my activities in nanoscale colloidal materials. With spherical core/shell colloidal semiconductor dots, I will discuss the optical properties and dynamic behavior, associated in particular with Auger multiparticle decay, trion decay, and intraband relaxation contrasting with similar issues for MBE grown quantum dots. Electronic transport in assemblies of the colloidal dots is also demonstrated with a long-term goal of improved mobilities. At present the behavior is mostly similar to disordered semiconductor but there is a novel magneto- transport property, attributed to spin-blockade due to the low density of states. With colloidal metal particles, my interest in primarily on the control of Plasmon frequency, linewidth and local field enhancement that might be achievable and I will describe some results on a rather monodispersed sharp bipyramid Au colloidal structure.