News round-up
791 results
Eating less enables lemurs to live longer
Chronic caloric restriction strongly increases the lifespan of a small primate, the grey mouse lemur. This is one of the results of a ten-year…
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Momentum: CNRS issues second call for proposals from young male and female researchers
The CNRS is issuing its second Momentum call for proposals from young male and female researchers around the world, to support their projects in…
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The great acceleration reaches new heights
An international team of researchersIncluding Damien Georges, researcher at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and post-doctorate…
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Artificial molecules that mimic DNA
Not only can synthetic molecules imitate the structures of their biological counterparts, they can also assume their functions and even outcompete…
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Polymers that mimic chameleon skin
Biological tissues have complex mechanical properties – soft-yet-strong, tough-yet-flexible – that are difficult to reproduce using synthetic…
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BIABooster: a more sensitive device for characterizing DNA in blood circulation
Developed and patentedPatents PCT/EP2015/067826 and WO/2014/020271. in 2012 and 2014 in the Laboratoire d'Analyse et d'Architecture des Systèmes …
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How to make a good impression when saying hello
You can hear the perfect hello. And now you can see it too. Researchers from the CNRS, the ENS, and Aix-Marseille UniversityThe scientists hail from…
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Artificial bio-inspired membranes for water filtration
Access to clean drinking water is considered to be one of the main challenges of the 21st Century, and scientists have just opened a path to new…
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How allergens trigger asthma attacks
A team of Inserm and CNRS researchers from the Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology—or IPBS (CNRS / Université Toulouse III—Paul Sabatier…
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Why is it so hot at night in some cities?
During the nighttime, it is hotter in the city than in nearby suburbs or the countryside. But just how much hotter differs between cities…
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