Join the CNRS: 37 Tenure-track positions available
This year the CNRS is opening 37 new positions with an "entry package" approaching 300,000 euros, and offering tenure as a Senior Researcher upon completion of the contract. The application period will run from 16th March to 14th April.
The CNRS is recruiting 37 tenure-track positions across multiple scientific fields ranging from sustainable metallurgy to artificial intelligence, open science, and the Earth’s habitability (read our article on this recruitment campaign).
This contract provides a dedicated financial environment upon joining the CNRS, and includes teaching activities in a higher education institution. These positions are offered on fixed-term contracts (CDD) under public law for a duration of 3 to 6 years. Following evaluation of scientific value and professional aptitude by a tenure commission, tenure will be granted as a CNRS Senior Researcher.
The 37 CNRS Tenure-track positions available:
- Astrochemistry (ASTROCHIMIE)
The CNRS opens a tenure track position for a high-quality chemist with a minimum of five years of experience after the thesis. The successful candidate will conduct world-class research in the field of astrochemistry, on the physico-chemical processes of formation of molecules in astrophysical environments or in solar system objects, and will provide teaching activities of 45 hours per year related to this domain.
To apply, please click on this link.
- Sustainable Metallurgy (DURAMET)
The CNRS opens a tenure track position for a high-quality chemist with a minimum of five years of experience after the thesis. The successful candidate will conduct world-class research in the field of sustainable metallurgy and provide teaching activities of 45 hours per year related to alloys metallurgy in a challenging environment.
To apply, please click on this link.
- Experimental developments and methodologies for the study of the corrosion of metallic alloys (DECORA)
The CNRS opens a tenure track position for a high-quality chemist with a minimum of five years of experience after the thesis. The successful candidate will conduct world-class research in the field of the durability of metal alloys, in particular on resistance to aqueous corrosion, and will provide, in a stimulating environment, teaching activities of 45 hours per year related to metallic alloys ageing.
To apply, please click on this link.
- Physical organic chemistry for understanding reactivity in synthesis (PHYCOSYNTH)
The CNRS opens a tenure track position for a high-quality chemist with a minimum of five years of experience after the thesis. The successful candidate will conduct research at the highest international level in physical organic chemistry in a stimulating environment and will provide teaching activities of 45 hours per year related to this domain.
To apply, please click on this link
- Socio-ecosystem resilience (SES)
The CNRS is recruiting a researcher for a professorship studying the resilience of socio-ecosystems. The heterogeneity of social and environmental dynamics will be studied through a spatialized approach of the territory, in an inter and transdisciplinary perspective, to better understand the functioning and trajectories of socio-ecosystems and to accompany public policies in terms of transformation towards sustainability. The candidate will develop sociological and ethnographic methodologies with territorial actors, both qualitative and quantitative, in order to address cross-cutting issues in social and life sciences for sustainable resource management.
To apply, please click on this link
- Socio-ecosystem resilience (Hydrosystèmes)
The CNRS is recruiting a junior professor to work on river hydrosystems. The impact of anthropogenic actions and global changes on the functioning of river hydrosystems will be studied as a prelude to proposing actions for the sustainable restoration of river beds. The planned research will be based on the progress made in instrumentation and technologies associated with the study of river morphodynamics (topographic and bathymetric LiDAR, historical photogrammetry and UAV, RFID tracking, hydrophones, impact plates, satellite resources, etc.).
To apply, please click on this link
- Littoral lanscape - enviromental an climatic changes - socities in transition (Translittenv)
The CNRS is recruiting a junior professor for a Chair on the coastal areas. The coastline, due to its location at the interface between land and sea, is an area with high environmental, social and economic challenges with regard to the acceleration of coastal development and the loss of biodiversity. The vulnerabilities of these interface zones can be considered in all their physical and biological dimensions so that the complexity of these territories can be studied with regard to circulation, mobility of people's goods, services, and the reactions of societies, which are sometimes conflicting.
To apply, please click on this link
- Dynamical systems and ergodic theory & analysis (SETA)
The CNRS is hiring for a junior professor chair (tenure-track position) a quality researcher at the start of his/her career with skills in dynamical systems, ergodic theory and analysis. The problems of dynamical systems are linked to many related fields: the study of continuous group actions (and its application in geometry), ergodic theory, born from the advent of measure theory and which finds echoes in probabilities, analysis. The successful candidate will conduct world-class research and teaching activities in these areas.
To apply, please click on this link
- Probability (PROBABILITES)
The CNRS is hiring for a junior professor chair (tenure-track position) a quality researcher at the start of his/her career in probability. Probabilities are a major issue for the mathematical discipline itself and also for other disciplines where they provide a fundamental contribution. The successful candidate will conduct his or her research at an international level, by way of example in the following themes: statistical physics, SLE theory, particle systems, Brownian geometry, random maps, etc. The candidate will provide teaching activities related to this field.
To apply, please click on this link
- Mathematical mOdeling of NAtural dIsasters and environmental Impacts (MONAIE)
The CNRS is hiring for a junior professor chair (tenure-track position) a quality researcher at the start of his/her career with skills in the mathematical modeling of natural disasters and environmental impacts. The successful candidate will conduct their research at an international level by developing multi-agent, multi-physics, multi-scale systems, skills in related fields such as dynamical systems, partial differential equations, probabilities, statistics will be an added value. The candidate will provide teaching activities related to these areas.
To apply, please click on this link
- Multiscale studies of tissues (MUSTISS)
The CNRS is recruiting for a tenure-track position a high-qualified researcher at the beginning of his/her career with a PhD in biology, mathematics or physics. The selected candidate will conduct world-class research developing multi-scale models of biological tissues and will carry out teaching activities in this field.
To apply, please click on this link
- Quantum Materials (MatQuant)
The CNRS is recruiting a physicist for a tenure-track position in the field of quantum materials, in one of the four host laboratories affiliated to the Institute of Physics. The candidates will present a research project at the highest international level based on innovative experiments, performed under extreme conditions, or using external stimuli to probe the dynamics of electronic properties.
To apply, please click on this link
- Theoretical cosmology (COSMOTH)
The CNRS is recruiting a physicist for a tenure-track position in the field of theoretical cosmology. The candidates should present a research project at the highest international level in this subject, which can be developed in one or more of the five possible host laboratories.
To apply, please click on this link
- Physics of defects and microstructures of materials (CARMATAT)
The CNRS is recruiting a physicist for a tenure-track position in the field of new instruments for the characterization of materials at the atomic scale, from a list of four host laboratories affiliated with the Institute of Physics. The candidates will present a research project at the highest international level based on innovative experiments, dedicated to the study of the relationships between defects, microstructure and physical properties of materials.
To apply, please click on this link
- Innovative concepts in nonlinear optics and photonics (NonLinearOptics)
Join the CNRS to take up the challenges of Horizon Europe 2021-2027, where photonics is recognized as one of the six key technologies of the 21st century. The chair aims to emerge innovative concepts in non-linear optics or photonics with fundamental, technological and experimental tools.
To apply, please click on this link
Nuclear and Particle Physics
- Neutrino Physics with the DUNE detector (NUPHYDU)
The neutrino is an elusive but fundamental particle and the study of its properties is in full swing. In the next 10 years, we expect to know if there are CP violation processes in the neutrino sector, but also its mass, its Dirac or Majorana nature. The results of the DUNE experiment will play an important role and have a major contribution in the field. This chair is dedicated to a participation in the DUNE experiment, and in particular to the development of the necessary instruments and the preparation for the exploitation of the data. CNRS is recruiting a tenure track position on neutrino physics with DUNE at LAPP Annecy.
To apply, please click on this link
- High Performance Computing for the Large Hadron Collider (HPC4LHC)
Major research infrastructures produce a considerable volume of data, for example the exabyte has been reached by the LHC experiments. To exploit data from the high-luminosity phase of the LHC, developments are needed on high-speed (Tb/s) and real-time computing and to use heterogeneous computing resources efficiently (HPC, HTC, CPU, GPU, FPGA…) while taking advantage of innovative artificial intelligence methods for data processing and management. The CNRS is recruiting a junior professor chair at CC-IN2P3 in collaboration with LIRIS in Lyon on this theme.
To apply, please click on this link
- Theoretical Nuclear Physics (SIANUC)
Nuclear physics today aims at understanding complex systems under extreme conditions, such as astrophysical objects. For this, simulation is an essential tool. It allows the extrapolation of the results of measurements made in the laboratory, for example at GANIL, to astrophysical objects. The models thus obtained are then compared with direct observations of astrophysical objects. CNRS is recruiting a junior professor to work on this topic at L2IT in Toulouse.
To apply, please click on this link
Biological sciences
- Insect-born pathogens (APVI)
Unique opportunity to develop ambitious projects on insect-borne pathogens thanks to a state of the BSL3 inscetarium.
To apply, please click on this link
- Epigenetic regulations in sexual reproduction (plants) (EPIGENSEX)
The crucial and environmentally sensitive process of sexual reproduction in plants relies on complex, fine and integrated epigenetic regulations of gene expression. We must now work to better understand these regulations in an adverse environmental context, exposing plants to pathogens. Accumulating this knowledge is essential for our food security, which is highly dependent on seed production.
To apply, please click on this link
- Evo-Devo of multicellular marine organisms (animals) (EvoDevoLBDV)
Understanding how cellular and developmental mechanisms evolve, using marine animals.
To apply, please click on this link
- Inflammation and therapeutic targets (InflaThera)
Characterisation of inflammatory mechanisms to highlight susceptibilities and to define innovative therapeutic molecules.
To apply, please click on this link
- Adaptation to extreme conditions (ACE)
How microorganisms adapt to extreme conditions and climate change.
To apply, please click on this link
Humanities and Social Sciences
- Circulations - Mobilities - dissemination – networks (MOBIMATHS)
The CNRS is recruiting a researcher working at the intersection of human and social sciences and mathematics. His/her profile reflects the CNRS's desire to propose a set of inter-institute CPJ proposals, in line with its priority dedicated to interdisciplinarity. This profile is designed to bring together mathematics and the humanities and social sciences to address a major issue in ancient and contemporary societies.
To apply, please click on this link
- Public action and policy (APOP)
The CNRS is recruiting a researcher in the humanities and social sciences for a "chaire de professeur junior dedicated to public action and policy. The aim is to renew scientific questions relating to this field, with a focus on comparative approaches, and to multiply perspectives and approaches from both a disciplinary and methodological point of view.
To apply, please click on this link
- Visual arts and graphic expression (ARVIGRAPH)
The CNRS is recruiting a researcher in the humanities and social sciences for a chaire de professeur junior" dedicated to graphic arts and visual expressions. This profile is in line with the development of Visual Studies and Visual Culture and with the multidisciplinary perspectives that the CNRS intends to promote within the humanities and social sciences in the field of the arts and creation.
To apply, please click on this link
- Educational Inequalities: Measures in the long-term, Large-Scale and on-site Experimentation (InEducaME)
The CNRS is recruiting a researcher in the humanities and social sciences for a "chaire de professeur Junior" in the field of educational inequalities. The chair will have to be attentive to the examination of these phenomena over time and allow for the development of a large-scale experimental approach that will shed light on both our knowledge of these inequalities and the policies implemented to overcome them.
To apply, please click on this link
- Littoral lanscape - enviromental an climatic changes - socities in transition (Translittenv)
The CNRS is recruiting a junior professor for a Chair on the coastal areas. The coastline, due to its location at the interface between land and sea, is an area with high environmental, social and economic challenges with regard to the acceleration of coastal development and the loss of biodiversity. The vulnerabilities of these interface zones can be considered in all their physical and biological dimensions so that the complexity of these territories can be studied with regard to circulation, mobility of people's goods, services, and the reactions of societies, which are sometimes conflicting.
To apply, please click on this link
Engineering and Systems Sciences
- Artificial Intelligence for engineering (IAM)
Join the CNRS to unlock the challenge of the future in mechanical engineering by contributing to original methods based on data and AI in mechanical sciences: new tools to see the invisible in materials, new techniques for augmented computational mechanics, for accurate and fast predictions.
To apply, please click on this link
- Aeronautics and astronautics (A&A)
The topics of the chair are the mechanics and physics of fluids, neutral or reactive, structures, materials, plasmas, combustion, in the fields of aeronautics and aerospace, for research developed consistently with the challenges of sustainability of air transportation and space conquest.
To apply, please click on this link
- Medium and long-term development of pre-stabilised laser system for future gravitational wave detectors (Artemis)
The gravitational signal GW170817 has revolutionized the study of the Universe. The Virgo detector is preparing for future series of observations. The chair aims to improve the performance of Virgo with the development of pre-stabilized laser systems for future gravitational wave detectors.
To apply, please click on this link
- Sensors for environmental monitoring (NeoSensation)
The chair will develop breakthrough instruments and tools, meeting the criteria of miniaturization, connectivity intelligence, energy sobriety, and innovative acquisition methods to answer major questions of the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems.
To apply, please click on this link
- Innovative concepts in nonlinear optics and photonics (NonLinearOptics)
Join the CNRS to take up the challenges of Horizon Europe 2021-2027, where photonics is recognized as one of the six key technologies of the 21st century. The chair aims to emerge innovative concepts in non-linear optics or photonics with fundamental, technological and experimental tools.
To apply, please click on this link
Information sciences
- IT security at the software-hardware border (SecLoMa)
Cybersecurity is a critical need for all systems today for both the hardware and software layers. There are information leaks and faulty attacks that use components without requiring physical access to them. These new families of attacks, at the interface between software and hardware, are probably one of the most significant - and perhaps least anticipated - threats of the decade. To tackle this challenge, the CNRS is proposing a junior faculty chair.
To apply, please click on this link
- Eco-responsible information sciences for the networks of the future (RES-ECO)
The eco-responsible dimension is now a strong priority for most scientific disciplines and digital technology is concerned in the first place. This is particularly true for research related to the networks of the future (5G, 6G, IoT, etc.). Thus, the CNRS proposes a junior faculty chair to tackle the challenges raised by the constraints of sobriety in this field.
To apply, please click on this link
- Digital science for molecular storage of massive data (Digital4DNArxiv)
The issue of data storage on molecular media is becoming increasingly competitive on an international scale and is a highly multidisciplinary problem: scientific issues to be overcome are found in a range of disciplines as varied as computer science, chemistry, biology, and microfluidics. CNRS has mobilized teams from these different disciplines in the framework of the exploratory PEPR MoleculArxiv and in order to further amplify this effort, the CNRS proposes a junior faculty chair to tackle the challenges raised by data storage on molecular media.
To apply, please click on this link
- Machine learning for omics (OMIK-IA)
High-throughput sequencing technologies have provided unprecedented access to the genetic material of numerous organisms. However, these "omic" datasets are large, heterogeneous, and multi-scale. To unlock their potential, innovative machine learning techniques are needed, and the fields of life sciences and machine-learning must join forces to innovate. The CNRS offers a junior faculty chair in this area.
To apply, please click on this link
Earth Sciences and Astronomy
- Characterization and modeling of water and energy transfers within the critical zone, at different scales, in a Mediterranean context (P3M)
The CNRS is recruiting a junior faculty chair (M/F) on hydrology. The successful candidate will conduct research dedicated to the characterization and modeling of water transfers in the critical zone. He/she will strongly contribute to the animation of the national community, in particular through the research infrastructure OZCAR (Critical Zone Observatory) and the animation tools of the iSITE MUSE of the University of Montpellier, the UNESCO ICIREWARD center, and the OSU OREME. He/she will also play a major role in the construction of the European eLTER infrastructure, which has been underway for several years.
To apply, please click on this link
- Seismological observations for the understanding of the physico-chemical processes controlling the dynamics of the Solid
The CNRS is recruiting a high-level, experienced junior faculty chair (M/F) in seismology. The successful candidate will be a driving force in the development of new approaches for the acquisition and exploitation of seismological data, in particular by valorizing those coming from the national observation services and national instrument parks. He/she will aim at better understanding the physico-chemical processes that govern the Earth dynamics. The candidate will strongly contribute to the animation of the national community, in particular through the research infrastructure EPOS-France and the animation tools of the EOST (Strasbourg), IPG-Paris, OSUG (Grenoble), OCA (Nice) or EOST (Strasbourg) observatories.
To apply, please click on this link
- Littoral lanscape - enviromental an climatic changes - socities in transition (Translittenv)
The CNRS is recruiting a junior professor for a Chair on the coastal areas. The coastline, due to its location at the interface between land and sea, is an area with high environmental, social and economic challenges with regard to the acceleration of coastal development and the loss of biodiversity. The vulnerabilities of these interface zones can be considered in all their physical and biological dimensions so that the complexity of these territories can be studied with regard to circulation, mobility of people's goods, services, and the reactions of societies, which are sometimes conflicting.
To apply, please click on this link
Schedule |
Dates |
Application Period Opens | 16th March 2023 |
Application Period Closes | 14th April 2023 |
Selection committee reviews applications and selects candidates for interview | From mid-May to mid-June 2023 |
Selection committee interviews selected candidates | From late May to mid-July 2023 |
Results | End of July 2023 |
The posting to units with a restricted area requires an access authorization, issued after consulting the senior defense and security official of the ministry of higher education and research.
How to Apply
Create your profile in the CNRS job portal : https://emploi.cnrs.fr/
Link to tenure-track position offerings
Your application file should contain a single PDF document including:
- The application form
- Doctorate or any documents required to establish equivalency;
- Identity document with a photograph;
- Any special accommodation request for the interview
Applications that are incomplete upon the close of the application period will not be accepted.
Required Criteria
1 - Hold one of the following qualifications:
- Doctorate
- State doctorate or third-cycle doctorate
- Engineering doctorate
- Research diploma in odontology (DERSO)
- Research diploma in human biology (DERBH)
2 - Hold a foreign university qualification deemed equivalent to one of the above qualifications;
For foreign degrees, you must provide a French translation by a sworn translator, or a Statement of Comparability must be obtained from the ENIC-NARIC: https://www.france-educationin- ternational.fr/enic-naric-menu/comment-obtenir-attestation.
Moreover, the only proof of deposit of the request to ENIC-NARIC is sufficient to consider the translation temporarily valid by the administration.
3 – Demonstrate scientific qualifications and research and experience deemed equivalent to the above qualifications.
If you do not hold a doctorate (because you have not yet defended your thesis, or you do not have an equivalent degree but can demonstrate scientific work experience, etc.), or if you hold a foreign degree, you may still be eligible if approved by the competent evaluation body of the National Committee for Scientific Research, which will issue a decision regarding the equivalence of your scientific work experience.
Special Accommodations
If you have a permanent disability and are officially considered a disabled worker, or if you fall under the French obligation to employ people with disabilities, you may qualify for a special accommodation for your interview. Any such accommodations should be requested at the time of application by contacting the "Service central des concours" at DRH.SCC@cnrs.fr.
The request will be reviewed after the submission of supporting documentation demonstrating that you fall under one of the aforementioned categories, along with a medical certificate specifying the requested accommodations, completed by an approved doctor designated by the administration. Such accommodations are not granted automatically, but are rather based on the nature of your disability. They can involve adjusting the length and scheduling of oral exams to your physical abilities, or providing any human and/or technical assistance necessary. If your disability or state of health changes between your request for accommodation and the date of the oral examination, you must provide additional documentation early enough to allow for its implementation as appropriate.
For applicants residing overseas or abroad, or for pregnant candidates or those whose state of health justifies doing so, interviews may be conducted by video conference upon request at the time of application. For more information about the criteria for accommodations, please contact the "Service central des concours" at the time of applying at DRH.SCC@cnrs.fr.
Pour les candidat(e)s ultramarins ou résidant à l’étranger, les candidates enceintes et les candidat(e)s dont l’état de santé le justifie, l’audition est organisée en visioconférence sur demande au moment de l’inscription. Contacter le service des concours à l’adresse suivante DRH.SCC@cnrs.fr
Useful links
This recruitment tool is part of the research programming framework law: https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/jorf/id/JORFTEXT000042738027
The terms of this recruitment are governed by decree no. 2021-1710 from 17 December 2021:https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/jorf/id/JORFTEXT000044518389
Decree from 22 February 2022 governing the terms and conditions for applying to tenure-track positions: https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/jorf/id/JORFTEXT000045300174
Decree from 28 February 2023 establishing the list of tenure-track positions for 2023: https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/jorf/id/JORFTEXT000047294512.