The CNRS and Mayotte’s Centre Universitaire de Formation et de Recherche (CUFR) have just approved the creation of a global ecology study site on the Mahoran archipelago. Thanks to this site,…
A scintillating aerogel enabling real-time measurements with excellent sensitivity to certain radioactive gases, essential to monitoring the proper functioning of nuclear power plants, has just been…
The CNRS will, for the first time, take part in VivaTech from May 16-18 in Paris. Its researchers, start-ups, and technologies will be present at this global tech fair held in Europe. With nearly 100…
Today the European Research Council has announced the winners of its 'Consolidator' grants which annually support many projects by mid-career scientists. The CNRS is the host institution for 20 of…
Jointly steered by the CNRS and the INRAE, the FairCarboN exploratory Priority Research Programme and Infrastructure (Programme et Équipement Prioritaire de Recherche, or PEPR)Exploratory PEPRs…
Scientists from the BOREA Biology of Aquatic Organisms and Ecosystems research unit (CNRS / MNHN / IRD / UPMC / University of Caen / Université des Antilles)—together with a colleague from the Max…
CNRS Chairman & CEO Antoine Petit has named Lionel Buchaillot to lead the CNRS’s Institute for Engineering and Systems Sciences (INSIS), effective 1 March 2022. He will succeed Jean-Yves Marzin,…