Conférence internationale en ligne : Comment intégrer le sexe et le genre dans les travaux de recherche scientifique
Treize équipes de recherche interdisciplinaires, financées par le projet européen GENDER-NET Plus, présenteront leurs résultats le 13 et 14 février. Les recherches ont été menées dans des domaines aussi variés que le vieillissement, les effets secondaires des médicaments, l’immunothérapie, les politiques de santé, l’impact du changement climatique et l’entreprenariat. De nombreux exemples et des outils précieux seront présentés.
Comment prendre en compte le sexe et le genre dans les recherches sur la santé, sur le changement climatique, sur l’entreprenariat ? Dans tous les domaines scientifiques, intégrer la dimension de sexe et/ou de genre fait progresser la science en permettant des résultats inédits et qui ont un impact positif sur la société.
13 projets de recherche interdisciplinaires et internationaux présentent leurs résultats et leurs méthodologies innovantes. Ces résultats portent, entre autres, sur les effets secondaires sexués de l'immunothérapie, la prise en charge genrée de la vieillesse, l’impact du changement climatique sur l'élevage, la culture entrepreneuriale...
Des échanges entre chercheurs, financeurs, responsables politiques et entreprises mettront en perspective ces résultats et l’impact de ces recherches sur la société.
À l’heure où toute candidature à un financement Horizon Europe doit justifier la manière dont le sexe ou le genre sont pris en compte dans la proposition, ces projets fournissent des exemples et des outils précieux à toute la communauté scientifique.
Coordonné par la Mission pour la place des femmes au CNRS, le projet européen GENDER-Net Plus a cofinancé ces 13 projets sélectionnés parmi plus de 70 propositions. 15 partenaires de 13 pays (Europe, Canada) ont uni leurs efforts pour favoriser cette approche innovante.
Suivez la conférence finale en ligne les 13 et 14 février, en vous inscrivant gratuitement via ce lien https://gender-net-plus.eu/gender-net-plus-final-conference-february-13-14-2023/
Programme de la conférence
- 13:00-13-10: Opening words - Alain Mermet, Director of the CNRS Brussels Office
GENDER-NET Plus Consortium: results and achievements of joint activities and future perspectives
- 13:10-13:25: Elisabeth Kohler (CNRS’ Gender Equality Unit, coordinator of GENDER-NET Plus): Presentation of the GENDER-NET Plus project and its achievements
- 3:25-13:45: Lydia González Orta (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology – FECYT – Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation – MICINN, GENDER-NET Plus partner): Integrating the gender dimension in research content: existing national/ regional initiatives, and GENDER-NET Plus monitoring indicators
- 13:45-14:05: Ingeborg W. Owesen & Siv Haugan (Research Council of Norway, RCN – GENDER-NET Plus partner): Promoting gender equality and structural change: national/regional initiatives and innovative measures
- 14:05-14:25: Richard Osterberg & Kenth Hermansson (Swedish Research Council, SRC – GENDER-NET Plus partner): Promoting gender equality in research funding
- 14:25-14:40: Chloé Mour (CNRS, coordinator of GENDER-NET Plus) and representatives of the GENDER-NET Plus research projects: Achievements of the GENDER-NET Plus scientific community and next steps
- 14:40-15:00: Coffee break
SESSION 1: Improving care for the ones in context of vulnerability
- 15:00-15:20: FutureGEN project “Evolving gender differences in health & care across cohorts” – results presentation – Susan Phillips, Queen’s University, Canada
- 15:20-15:40: GENPATH project “A life course perspective on the GENdered PATHways of social exclusion in later life, and its consequences for health and wellbeing” – results presentation – Marja Aartsen, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
- 15:40-16:00: GenderARP project “Addiction, Health Risks and Recovery in Context of Social Precarity: How to Better Address Complex Needs Taking into Account Gender and Life Stages” – results presentation – Karine Bertrand, Sherbooke University, Canada; Marie Jauffret-Roustide, Inserm, France; André Lemaitre, Liege University, Belgium; Abdelhakim Missoum, Sherbooke University, Canada
- 16:00-16:20: RHCforFGC project “Respective Health Care for women and girls experiencing Female Genital Cutting / Mutilation” – results presentation – Bilkis Vissandjée, Montreal University, Canada
- 16:20-17.00: Session 1 – Q&A with FutureGEN, GENPATH, GenderARP, RHCforFGC representatives
- 17.00-17:15: Coffee break
SESSION 2: Building policies against gender-based violence
- 17:15-17:35: GBV-MIG project “Violence against women migrants and refugees: Analyzing causes and effective policy response” – results presentation – Jane Freedman, Paris VIII University, France
- 17:35-17:55: PositivMasc project “Masculinities and violence against women among young people- Identifying discourses and developing strategies for change using a mixed method approach” – results presentation – Mariano Salazar Torres, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
- 17:55-18:15: Session 2 – Q&A with GBV-MIG, PositivMasc representatives
- 18:15-19.00: Panel discussion about Session 1 and Session 2
Juliette Mauro, President of Femtech France
Anna-Liisa Uisk, Advisor at the Ministry of Justice of Estonia
Suzanne Walker, Senior Executive Officer, Centre of Excellence for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Higher Education Authority (Ireland)
- 8:30-9:00: Welcome – coffee (for on-site participants)
SESSION 3: Unpacking the sex/gender dimension of health/medicine
- 9:00-9:20: GOING-FWD project “Gender Outcomes INternational Group: to Further Well-being Development” – results presentation – Louise Pilote, McGill University, Canada
- 9:20-9:40: iKASCADE project “Identifying Key Prescribing CASCADes in the Elderly: A Transnational Initiative on Drug Safety” – results presentation – Paula Rochon, University of Toronto, Canada
- 9:40-10:00: G-DEFINER project “Gender difference in side effects of immunotherapy: a possible clue to optimize cancer treatment” – results presentation – Rosalba Miceli, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Italy
- 10:00-10:15: Coffee break
- 10:15-10:35: TIGER project “The combined role of genetic and environmental risk factors in the gender-specific development of severe tinnitus” – results presentation – Christopher Cederroth, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
- 10:35-11:15: Session 3 Q&A with GOING-FWD, iKASCADE, G-DEFINER, TIGER representatives
- 11:15-12:00: Panel discussion about Session 3
Maren Jochimsen, Executive Committee Member European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS, Managing Director Essen College of Gender Research University of Duisburg-Essen, Co-founder Network Caring Economy
Dr. Angela Kaida, Scientific Director of the Institute of Gender and Health, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Ineke Klinge, President of the Dutch Society of Gender and Health, Rapporteur H2020 Gendered Innovations 2nd edition at European Commission DG Research& Innovation. - 12:00-13:00: Lunch
SESSION 4: Addressing gender roles
- 13:00-13:20: MASCAGE project “Gendering Age: Representations of Masculinities and Ageing in Contemporary European Literatures and Cinemas” – results presentation – José M. Armengol, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
- 13:20-13:40: SEQUAL project “Social-ecological relations and gender equality: Dynamics and processes for transformational change across scales” – results presentation – Grace Wong, Stockholm University, Sweden
- 13:40-14:00: GENRE project “Overcoming the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Gender Divide: A Cross-Cultural Perspective » – results presentation – Maura McAdam, Dublin City University, Ireland
- 14:00-14:30: Session 4 – Q&A with MASCAGE, SEQUAL, GENRE representatives
- 14:30-14:45: Coffee break
- 14:45-15:30: Closing panel discussion
Cecilia Cabello, Director of European Policies at the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology
Patrick Flandrin, French Academy of Sciences, Senior CNRS Researcher, ENS-Lyon.
Karen N. Salt, Deputy Director, R&I System Diversity and Security, UK Research & Innovation
Gráinne Walshe, Assistant Director, Partnerships and Impact, HEA-IRC (Irish Research Council) - 15:30-15h40: Closing words – CNRS’ Gender Equality Unit.