Open science

The CNRS has been heavily involved in the development of open science for many years now.

The idea of open science is to make research results ''as accessible as possible and as closed as necessary'', given that most of the research involved is supported by public funds.

Open science: Our road map

The CNRS has set itself the goal of sharing its scientific output with the largest audience and making it easily accessible. The Roadmap defined by the CNRS aligns with open science and focuses on four major objectives:

  • Retaining control over our scientific output with 100 % of CNRS publications to ultimately be in open access;
  • Developing a culture of data management/sharing among all stakeholders in the data life cycle, based on implementing the FAIR principles (data are findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable);
  • Developing and promoting infrastructure and tools that enable people to search for and analyse scientific content independently;
  • Transforming the individual assessment of researchers so that
    • It is compatible with the objectives of open science;
    • And takes the contribution made by researchers to open science into account for their assessment.

Discover the CNRS Open Science website(link is external)



Photo credit: © Christian MOREL / IRISA / CNRS Images