Sustainable development

The CNRS is committed to providing responses to the planetary challenge of climate change. Through its research and innovations, it plays a role in a global dynamic structured around the sustainable development goals defined by the UN.

What are the UN sustainable development goals?

The UN has set 17 major goals that aim to make our societies fairer, more peaceful and more sustainable, taking into account planetary limitations and in the context of global change. They are founded in scientific understanding and they require the involvement of everyone.

Learn more about the SDGs(link is external)

What are the concrete initiatives that the CNRS has put in place?

The CNRS generates knowledge that is used to work towards the sustainable development goals (SDGs): The freedom and the creativity its researchers enjoy means that they can make discoveries and contribute to innovations that work towards the SDGs.

It plays a role in national and international initiatives such as the French National Observatory on the effects of climate change, and the Foundation for Biodiversity Research. It leverages the expertise of its researchers on United Nations panels for climate and biodiversity (IPCC, IPBES). In fact it is one of the major worldwide contributors of data used by the IPCC. It steers or co-steers a number of Priority Research Programmes and Equipments (PEPR) that are focused on societal and environmental challenges.

Finally, the CNRS acts directly in terms of trying to reduce its own environmental impact, with the implementation of a low carbon transition plan and the creation of a network of sustainable development officers across all its institutions. What is the purpose of this? To measure and reduce the environmental impact of activities involved in research and supporting research, build on sustainable initiatives in the units and raise staff awareness.

It also takes part in and supports the research group Labo1point5, which produces tools and methods that show trajectories for reducing the environmental impact of research.

The CNRS Low-Carbon Transition Plan (in French)

The CNRS and the 17 SDG

1. No poverty

2. Zero Hunger

3. Good Health and Well-Being

4. Quality Education

5. Gender equality

6. Clean Water and Sanitation

7. Affordable and Clean Energy

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

10. Reduced Inequalities

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

12. Responsible Consumption and Production

13. Climate Action

14. Life Below Water

15. Life on Land

16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

17. Partnerships for the goals

Photo credit : © Hubert RAGUET / LECA / CNRS Image