Use of personal data for health research purposes

Information for CNRS health research teams on the use of personal data 

The CNRS is a major health research stakeholder with multiple objectives. These include advancing biological and medical knowledge, public health policy analysis or contributing to technological innovations.

CNRS research teams, notably those working in the area of health research, may access and use personal data that they collect directly or indirectly depending to the scientific projects involved.

The CNRS ensures the transparency of information on the re-use of personal data for processing for health research purposes in compliance with the personal data protection regulations set out in the Data Protection Act dated January 6th 1978, amended, and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated April 27th 2016.

Patients have the right to access, rectify and object to the use of their data by contacting:

  • their health insurance fund, 

  • the CNRS Data Protection Officer (French acronym - DPD):

The optimisation of medical pathways to avoid diagnostic wandering in the case of rare diseases

Data controller: Centre for Applied Mathematics, École Polytechnique (CMAP, UMR7641), Route de Saclay, 91120 Palaiseau, France

Operational project leader: Pierre Clavier (UMR 7641)

Legal basis: Working on a mission of public interest in accordance with the French Research Code and particularly its articles R. 322-1 to R. 322-33.

Objectives: Medical wandering is the process of patients moving from one medial department to another before a diagnosis is made and represents a major problem. This delays the start of any treatment and also has a significant financial cost. The phenomenon is particularly acute for rare diseases, the diagnosis of which often requires doctors to make a link between disparate and sometimes very slight signs. Often, only specialists in these diseases are able to make such links.

These patients have diverse histories but common shared characteristics have been observed which gives us hope of being able to accelerate diagnosis by effectively taking these characteristics into account. 

The project's dual aim is therefore to provide a method for informing patients of the pathologies associated with their pathways and, above all, to recommend the right tests to run or the right medical department to contact to make progress towards a diagnosis.

Data source: Via the CNRS's permanent access to the French National Health Data System (SNDS)

Recipient of the data: Pierre Clavier (UMR 7641)

Retention period: Duration of access to the SNDS

Measuring the contribution made by continuous glucose sensors to the distribution of new slow-acting insulins

Data controller: Toulouse School of Economics (TSE-R, UMR5314), 1 Esplanade de l'Université, 31080 Toulouse Cedex 06, France

Operational project leader: Léa Bignon, UMR 5314

Legal basis: Working on a mission of public interest in accordance with the French Research Code and particularly its articles R. 322-1 to R. 322-33.

Objectives: To study the process for the distribution of slow-acting insulins since 2016 in the care pathways of diabetic patients and to gauge the contribution of glucose sensors to this process in terms of treatment costs and economic well-being.

Data source: Via the CNRS's permanent access to the SNDS

Recipients of the data: Léa Bignon

Retention period: Duration of access to the SNDS

What impact do announcements of mass redundancies have on mental health?

Data controller: Dauphine Economics Laboratory (LEDa, UMR8007), Université Paris-Dauphine, Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France

Operational project leader: Mathilde GODARD (UMR 8007)

Legal basis: Working on a mission of public interest in accordance with the French Research Code and particularly its articles R. 322-1 to R. 322-33.

Aims: To study the effect of an announcement of mass redundancy in a given employment zone on the mental health of individuals living in that zone and in neighbouring zones. More specifically, the project's aim is to measure the impact of a mass redundancy announcement in employment zone z at date t on mental health in this zone and neighbouring zones at dates t, t+1, [etc.], t+n. This project is one of a series of research projects carried out in the framework of the RecessionsHealth ANR JCJC[1] (2022-2025).

Data source: Via the CNRS's permanent access to the SNDS

Data recipients: Mathilde GODARD (UMR 8007)

Retention period: Duration of access to the SNDS

The status of individuals entitled to healthcare and how this influences their healthcare consumption

Data controllers: 

  • Dauphine Economics Laboratory (LEDa, UMR8007), Université Paris-Dauphine, Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France

  • Sorbonne Economics Centre (CES, 106-112 Boulevard de l'Hôpital, 75647 Paris Cedex 13, Paris 1-Panthéon Sorbonne

  • Lille Economy and Management (LEM, UMR9221), Boulevard Vauban, 59016 Lille Cedex, France

Operational project leaders: Elsa Perdrix (UMR8007), Muriel Roger (UMR9174), Clémentine Garrouste (UMR 9221)

Legal basis: Working on a mission of public interest in accordance with the French Research Code and particularly its articles R. 322-1 to R. 322-33.

Objectives: The study's aim is to measure the impact of the status of individuals entitled to healthcare on the consumption of this care and the observed effect on healthcare use of the change in status brought about by the introduction of the French 'PUMa' universal healthcare system.

This study is of dual interest for public health and public policy. Firstly, observing the role of a person's entitlement to healthcare on the potential non-use of such care means we can analyse whether or not this status constitutes a risk of a reduced access to care. The second aim is to measure the extent to which the population concerned adheres to the new PUMa status and thus the scheme's effectiveness along with the role played by the scheme in the use of healthcare.

If the study finds that losing entitlement to healthcare effectively reduces a person's use of this care, public policy adjustments will be required. Conversely, if an improvement in access to care is observed, the generalisation of the PUMa system and acceleration of adhesion thereto should be encouraged among the population of persons entitled to healthcare.

Data source: Via the CNRS's permanent access to the SNDS

Data recipients: Elsa Perdrix (UMR8007), Muriel Roger (UMR9174), Clémentine Garrouste (UMR 9221), Cécile CHARLES (UMR 8007), Thibaut HEYER (UMR8007)

Retention period: Duration of access to the SNDS

Studies of the link between competition and quality in the French hospital and optical goods markets

Data controller: Dauphine Economics Laboratory (LEDa, UMR8007), Université Paris-Dauphine, Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France

Operational project leader: Daniel HERRERA (UMR8007)

Legal basis: Working on a mission of public interest in accordance with the French Research Code and particularly its articles R. 322-1 to R. 322-33.

Objectives: This research project focuses on stakeholders (patients and hospitals/clinics) in the hospital market and in the optical market (healthcare and optics networks). It is a retrospective study featuring a longitudinal analysis of a study period running from 01/01/2009 to 30/12/2021.

The project's aim is to study the role of competition in the French healthcare market by focusing on two underlying markets - the optical goods market and the hospital market. This will be achieved by working towards the following objectives: (1) to understand the determinant factors of demand for hospital services, (2) to understand the strategic relationships between hospitals and clinics, (3) to measure the impact of mergers and acquisitions on the French hospital system, (4) to measure the impact of the creation of healthcare networks on the optical goods market.

Data source: Via the CNRS's permanent access to the SNDS

Recipients of the data: Daniel HERRERA (UMR8007)

Retention period: Duration of access to the SNDS

Establishments, patients and health pathways

Data controller: Interdisciplinary Research Institute for Social Science (IRISSO, UMR7170), Université Paris Dauphine - PSL*, Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France

Operational project leader: Nicolas Belorgey (UMR7170)

Legal basis: Working on a mission of public interest in accordance with the French Research Code and particularly its articles R. 322-1 to R. 322-33.

Aims: To measure social inequalities in health better by objectivising the health and social characteristics of hospital patients in different care areas along with these patients' health pathways.

Data source: Via the CNRS's permanent access to the SNDS

Data recipients: Nicolas Belorgey (UMR7170)

Retention period: Duration of access to the SNDS

Efficient mobilization of COVID-19 Testing Resources

Responsable de traitement

  • Centre de recherche en économie et statistiques (UMR9194), École Polytechnique, 5 avenue Le Chatelier, 91120 Palaiseau
  • Paris Jourdan Sciences Économiques (UMR8545), 48 boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris

Acteurs opérationnels : Julien COMBE (UMR9194), Olivier TERCIEUX (UMR8545)

Fondement légal : Exercice d’une mission d’intérêt public conformément au décret 82-993 du 24 novembre 1982 modifié portant organisation et fonctionnement du CNRS

Objectifs : L'objectif de cette recherche est d'identifier les groupes d'individus potentiellement infectés par le virus du COVID-19 qui ne se testent pas suffisamment et qui sont donc potentiellement une source importante de propagation du virus. Cette identification devrait nous permettre d'allouer plus efficacement les ressources de dépistage (et de traçage) lors de la diffusion d’un virus. Cette recherche est importante pour l'épidémie actuelle, mais notre objectif est également de développer une boîte à outils pour faire face à d'éventuelles épidémies futures.

Origine des données : SNDS via accès permanent du CNRS

Destinataires des données : Julien COMBE (UMR9194), Olivier TERCIEUX (UMR8545)

Durée de conservation : Durée de l’accès au SNDS

How the healthcare system is impacted by its pricing system

Data controller: Paris-Jourdan Economic Sciences (PjSE, UMR8545), 48 Boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris, France

Operational project leader: Carine MILCENT (UMR8545)

Legal basis: Working on a mission of public interest in accordance with the French Research Code and particularly its articles R. 322-1 to R. 322-33.


To carry out research into the French healthcare system as regards its pricing system based on an analysis from 3 different angles:

  • Demand: Study of patient care pathways according to the pricing model involved

  • Supply: Study of changes in patient care according to the pricing model involved

  • A comparison of potential changes in supply and demand alike

Data source: Via the CNRS's permanent access to the SNDS and Technical Agency for Information on Hospital Care (ATIH) resources

Data recipients: Carine MILCENT (UMR8545)

Retention period: Duration of access to the SNDS and to ATIH resources

The impact of health policies on vaccination decisions in France

Data controller: Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMES, UMR7316), 5 Boulevard Maurice Bourdet, 13205 Marseille Cedex 1, France

Operational project leader: Antoine LACOMBE, Pierre MICHEL 

Legal basis: Working on a mission of public interest in accordance with the French Research Code and particularly its articles R. 322-1 to R. 322-33.

Aims: To study how public policies affect individuals' adherence to prophylactic measures and, more specifically, people's decisions to get vaccinated or not in France. This is based on analysis of individual administrative data on the occurrence of one or more exogenous shocks (conditional access to vaccinations, restrictive measures for unvaccinated individuals, etc.) intended to encourage individuals to have their first dose of SARS-COV2 vaccine. This research follows on from other ongoing health and public economics work involving various AMSE researchers. 

Data source: Via the CNRS's permanent access to the SNDS

Recipients of the data: Antoine LACOMBE, Pierre MICHEL (UMR 7316)

Retention period: Duration of access to the SNDS

An exploratory analysis of the consumption of healthcare and medical goods by individuals identified within the healthcare system as having a gambling problem

Data controller: Lille Economy and Management (LEM, UMR 9221), University and Multidisciplinary Federation of Lille (FUPL), Boulevard Vauban, 59016 Lille Cedex, France

Operational project leader: Sophie MASSIN (UMR 9221)

Legal basis: Working on a mission of public interest particularly in accordance with the French Research Code and its articles R. 322-1 to R. 322-33 in particular.

Objectives: To provide indicators of the socio-economic impact of gambling in France. The study's main objective is to carry out exploratory research to analyse the medical expenditure on care and medical goods for individuals identified within the healthcare system as having a gambling problem. More specifically these data will be compared with those of individuals with similar characteristics but who have not been identified as having gambling issues. A secondary objective of the study is to look into the ages and causes of death of individuals identified as having a gambling problem.

Data source: Via the CNRS's permanent access to the SNDS

Data recipients: Sophie MASSIN (UMR 9221)

Retention period: Duration of access to the SNDS

Regional disparities in the use of PET scans for cancer pathologies

Data controller: Places, Identities, Spaces, Activities (UMR CNRS LISA 6240), University of Corsica Pasquale Paoli, Campus Mariani, 22 av. Jean Nicoli BP 52, 20 250 Corte, Corsica, France

Operational project leader: Sandrine NOBLET

Legal basis: Working on a mission of public interest in accordance with Decree 82-993 dated November 24th 1982, amended, on the organisation and operations of the CNRS.

Objectives: PET scanners have been progressively installed in France since 2002 but some 'départements' remain unequipped. The aim of this research is to determine whether installing a PET scanner in a 'département' modifies its usage by residents. This analysis will help determine the interest of installing PET scanners in regions without them.

Data source: Via the CNRS's permanent access to the SNDS

Data recipients: Sophie NOBLET

Retention period: Duration of access to the SNDS

Evaluation of the impact of hospital closures in France

Data controller: Centre for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST, UMR9194), École Polytechnique, 5 avenue Le Chatelier, 91120 Palaiseau, France

Operational project leader: Gaëtan MENARD

Legal basis: Working on a mission of public interest in accordance with Decree 82-993 dated November 24th 1982, amended, on the organisation and operations of the CNRS.

Objectives: To gauge the impact of hospital closures on: 

  • Patients affected by a closure. Variables explained: Length of stay, probability of rehospitalisation after 30 days, short-term mortality

  • Hospitals which patients are referred to. Variables explained: Length of stay, probability of rehospitalisation after 30 days, short-term mortality: Average length of stay, rehospitalisation rate, mortality rate, proportion of stays treated as outpatients.

  • Postponements of hospital treatment 

Data source: Via the CNRS's permanent access to the SNDS

Data recipients: Gaëtan MENARD (UMR9194)

Retention period: Duration of access to the SNDS

Evaluation of the economic cost of human herpes virus infections in France from 2013 to 2024

Data controller: Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB, UMR 7241), 11 place Marcelin Berthelot 75005 Paris, France

Operational project leader: Olivier SUPPLISSON, Samuel ALIZON

Legal basis: Working on a mission of public interest in accordance with Decree 82-993 dated November 24th 1982, amended, on the organisation and operations of the CNRS. 

Objectives: The main objective of the study is to enhance our understanding of the medical and economic costs of human herpes virus infections. Our temporal and spatial analysis thereof is structured at the level of individuals, healthcare provision and society between 2013 and 2024. The aim is to identify all hospital admissions and all usage of screening tests and medication for herpes viruses in humans. The study will focus on the care pathways before and after hospitalisation of beneficiaries of hospital treatment suffering from these viruses. Hospital resources will be valued in terms of their costs to society (GHS)[1] and to patients or their 'mutual' medical insurance companies (gross remaining costs) while tests and drugs will be valued through their selling prices. Descriptive statistics stratified by age, sex and different spatial and temporal dimensions will be used to study the economic costs of herpes virus infections for the healthcare system, patients and society. Individuals' care pathways will be described, with 'extreme' care pathway profiles identified. This will make it possible to identify individuals who are at increased risk of hospitalisation because of human herpes viruses.

Data source: Via the CNRS's permanent access to the SNDS

Data recipients: Olivier SUPPLISSON, Samuel ALIZON (UMR 7241)

Retention period: Duration of access to the SNDS

Pesticides and the health of children and adolescents in France

Data controller: Centre for Research in Economics and Management (CREM, UMR 6211), 7 place Hoche, 35000 Rennes, France

Operational project leader: Josselin THUILLIEZ

Legal basis: Working on a mission of public interest in accordance with Decree 82-993 dated November 24th 1982, amended, on the organisation and operations of the CNRS.

Objectives: To study the possible effects of the use of phytosanitary products close to people's homes on the health of children and adolescents living at varying distances from such crops.

Data source: Via the CNRS's permanent access to the SNDS

Recipients of the data: Josselin THUILLIEZ (UMR 6211)

Retention period: Duration of access to the SNDS

Gynaecologists, midwives and general practitioners: extension of skills and composition of activity in the SNDS

Data controller: Bureau of Theoretical and Applied Economics (BETA, UMR7522), 61 avenue de la Forêt Noire, 67000 Strasbourg, France

Operational project leader: Jean-Baptiste DELAYE

Legal basis: Working on a mission of public interest in accordance with Decree 82-993 dated November 24th 1982, amended, on the organisation and operations of the CNRS.

Objectives: For several decades now, women's sexual health has been a health policy priority. The aim of such policies is to enhance access to prevention, information and treatment in this area. 

The main healthcare professionals involved in treating sexual health problems are gynaecologists, GPs and midwives. Since the start of the 2000s, this situation has changed, particularly because of a fall in the number of gynaecologists and also the regulation of supply. Since then, midwives' skills have been significantly extended to permit them to work in the gynaecological field outside the context of pregnancy, particularly through France's 2009 Hospital Patients Health Territory Act (HPST).

The aims of this project are to evaluate the effects of these changes in sexual health care provision on the practices of professionals and to answer the following question - to what extent has the extension of midwives' skills led to changes in the work of midwives and gynaecologists?

Data source: Via the CNRS's permanent access to the SNDS

Recipients of the data: Jean-Baptiste DELAYE

Retention period: Duration of access to the SNDS

Crédit photo : © Christian MOREL / IRISA / CNRS Images