The Information Systems Department (DSI)

Providing secure IT tools for CNRS research and our staff members.

Marie-Pierre Fontanel is the acting director of the DSI.


The Information Systems Department (DSI):

  • Sets up and runs the CNRS's management and steering information systems following the strategic and business orientations defined by the organisation.

  • Rolls out secure digital services (collaborative, storage, nomadism, sharing, etc.) for CNRS research laboratories. The tools and data are hosted on infrastructures in France that guarantee availability, security and confidentiality.

  • Provides users with a national helpdesk service and works with the regional offices' information systems departments (DSI) to roll out national tools and services.

  • Implements the CNRS security policy for information systems and coordinates the network of regional and laboratory computer security officers.

Digital services for laboratories

IT status report

This status report shows the current availability of digital tools and services.

Météo des services

Information Systems Support: ttps:// 


The DSI has two sites:

  • CNRS - DSI Meudon

    1 place Aristide Briand - Bâtiment 1
    92 195 Meudon CEDEX

  • CNRS - DSI Toulouse

    358 rue Pierre Gilles de Gennes - Bâtiment Tour Gaïa - Quartier Bouysset
    31670 Labège

Photo credit (ODS) : Hannah Wei -