

France-United States space cooperation - French science instrument on InSight ‘hears’ sound of Martian winds for the first time

Teams at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, have begun checking out InSight on Mars after the excitement and tension of its successful landing on Monday 26…

France-United States space cooperation - InSight Mars exploration mission - First tests of French SEIS seismometer successful

After the excitement and tension of its successful landing on Mars on Monday 26 November, InSight has started powering up and checking out its subsystems. The SEISIn addition to CNES and…

France-United States space cooperation - French science on Mars - InSight lands on Mars with French SEIS seismometer

Monday 26 November at 20:54 CET, InSight (INterior exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport) landed on Mars with the French SEIS seismometer (Seismic Experiment…