National research programmes
The CNRS either steers or co-steers the majority of the 47 Priority Research Programmes and Equipments (PEPR) launched as part of the France 2030 plan, alongside the previously launched Priority Research Programmes (PPR).
The aim of Priority Research Programmes and Equipments (PEPR) is to build or consolidate French leadership in the scientific fields that play a role in technological, economical, societal, health or environmental transformation and that are considered as National or European priorities.
These programmes are managed by the French National Research Agency (ANR), and are divided into two types: PEPRs for the national acceleration strategy, which support transformations that are already underway such as decarbonised hydrogen or artificial intelligence (AI), and exploratory PEPRs, the purpose of which is to grow emerging sectors such as DNA data storage (MoleculArXiv) or the integration of robots into society (O2R).
Photo credit: © Cyril FRESILLON/INL/CNRS Images