Jacques MaddalunoDirector of the Institute of Chemistry
A senior researcher, Jacques Maddaluno is an engineer from Chimie ParisTech. He also holds a PhD in organic chemistry. Following a postdoc at Stanford University (US), he pursued his research at the French Universities of Rouen, Paris-Descartes and Pierre-et-Marie-Curie. His work, which has given rise to more than 150 scientific papers, a patent and several books, mostly covers organic chemistry, organometallic chemistry and theoretical chemistry. In parallel, Jacques Maddaluno has presided section 12 of the French National Committee for Scientific Research (molecular architectures: syntheses, mechanisms and properties) before joining the CNRS Institute of Chemistry (INC), first as Deputy Scientific Director in 2011 and then as Director since June 2017.
The CNRS Institute of Chemistry (INC) supports and coordinates scientific research by its teams and laboratories in chemistry and at the interface between chemistry and other disciplines. Its role is to help improve knowledge in every field of chemistry, from theory to synthesis, from fundamental questions to process development, and from atoms to materials.
Areas of research
The Institute’s mission comprises three main goals: synthesizing new compounds, understanding the rules that govern chemical reactions, and predicting the relationships between structures and the physical/chemical properties of molecular and supramolecular systems. The pursuit of these objectives involves nine areas of research:
- chemistry and health
- the chemical processes of life
- materials and nanomaterials
- polymers and soft matter
- surface reactivity and catalysis
- analytical chemistry
- chemistry for sustainable development
- modeling
- metallurgy