Aerial photograph of green buildings
Aerial photograph of green buildings © Wang / Unsplash

National research programme Nature-based Solutions (PEPR SOLU-BIOD)

Co-piloted by CNRS and INRAE, the SOLU-BIOD programme aims to promote scientific approaches to the design, implementation and evaluation of Nature-based Solutions. It also aims to encourage the emergence of a new economic sector with strong social and environmental benefits.

  • Exploration national research programme
  • Programme leaders: CNRS, INRAE
  • Programme directors:
    • Martine Hossaert - CNRS (Centre d'écologie fonctionnelle et évolutive (CEFE))
    • Philip Roche - INRAE
  • Allocated budget: €44.2m over 9 years (2023-2032)

The climate crisis and the decline in biodiversity are forcing our societies to reinvent themselves. Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are approaches to protecting, restoring or managing ecosystems that make it possible to respond effectively to a range of societal challenges and have positive social, environmental, economic and biodiversity impacts.

France has a high level of research into biodiversity, but meeting the challenges of deploying NbS requires a national effort to structure and lead. The national research programme on Nature-based Solutions therefore aims to encourage the development of innovative and ambitious research into NbS as a systems approach.

The national research programme is funded by the France 2030 investment plan to the tune of €44.2 million over a period of 9 years (2023-2032). It is being conducted in close collaboration with the public research community and a large number of stakeholders in society.

This programme will tackle the barriers limiting the development of NbS in France by tackling three challenges:

  • Organisational challenge: How can the French scientific community working on NbS be structured?
  • Scientific challenge: How can we guide the design, management and assessment of NbS in the context of global change?
  • Knowledge transfer challenge: How can we maximise access to knowledge and expertise and adapt the NbS theme to university and vocational training?


PEPR SOLU-BIOD LinkedIn page

For more information

PEPR Solu-biod : la recherche innove grâce aux solutions fondées sur la nature

Solu-biod est un PEPR exploratoire qui ambitionne d'innover avec et grâce à la nature pour relever différents défis sociétaux (comme la lutte contre le changement climatique) et créer des effets positifs sur la biodiversité, la société et l’économie. Il a pour but de renforcer et structurer la recherche en écologie, d'assurer le transfert de compétences, en intégrant d'autres sciences sociales. Ce programme de recherche est financé à hauteur de 44,2 M€ sur 8 ans dans le cadre du plan d'investissement France 2030. Le ‪@CNRS‬ et ‪@InraeFrance‬ en assurent le pilotage.
