@ Cyril Frésillon

Etienne GhysA promoter of mathematics and their utility

CNRS Scientific Mediation

As a Senior Researcher Emeritus at the CNRS1 and the Permanent Secretary of the Academy of Sciences since 2019, Étienne Ghys has actively helped to expand the diffusion of mathematics in France. The researcher’s various mediums, audiences, and subjects include general audience books, films for teachers to use in classrooms, audiobooks for visually impaired persons, managements of the Year of Mathematics, a website, conferences, and media appearances. A fervent defender of using images, in 2009 he created the online version of the review Images des mathématiques (Images of Mathematics), whose goal is to present recent advances in mathematical research, in addition to its historical, cultural, and sociological aspects, with over ten million views! His diffusion activities have already been recognized by a number of awards, and have prompted the international mathematical community to enhance and improve scientific mediation activities. "I strive to share the pleasure of mathematics with the largest possible audience," recaps the internationally recognized mathematician, who was awarded the 1991 CNRS Silver Medal.


  1. As part of the Unit of Pure and Applied Mathematics (CNRS/ENS Lyon).