Stéphane BlancDirector of the Institute of Ecology and Environment
Stéphane Blanc directed the CNRS Mission for Transversal and Interdisciplinary Initiatives (MITI) between 2018 and 2020 before taking over as director of the Institute of Ecology and Environment on March 1st 2021 from Stéphanie Thiébault who had held the post since 2013. He joined the CNRS in 2003 and became a research professor in 2012. He headed the Hubert Curien Pluridisciplinary Institute's Ecology, Physiology and Ethology department from 2006 to 2012 and was then the INEE's deputy scientific director. His research uses approaches based on comparative physiology in extreme environments and health ecology and focuses on the impact of environmental factors on human metabolic health. He has received several international awards, is an elected member of the International Academy of Astronautics and has directed or co-directed several French and European research programmes. Stéphane Blanc took part in the creation of the Future Earth programme and co-steers the Franco-German Committee running the 'Make Our Planet Great Again' priority research programme on global change.
The INEE's mission is to drive the emergence of environmental science as an integrated scientific field. The Institute's objectives are to promote creativity and lead fundamental excellence research, set up partnerships to develop and implement innovative tools in global ecology. Its research is carried out by a network of laboratories in the fields of evolutionary science, biodiversity, ecology and human-environment interactions.
Scientific themes
- Biodiversity, evolution, adaptation
- From anthropisation to the artificialisation of environments and living organisms
- The retroaction effect of ecological systems on global changes
- Coastal and marine environments: interactions and dynamics
- Functional ecology, analysis and management of ecosystem services