The CNRS at VivaTech: from basic research to Deeptech
• Technology transfer for research is one of the missions of the CNRS. With nearly 100 start-ups created per year, and over 7,000 families of active patents, 1,300 active licenses, and more than 170 joint laboratories with companies, the CNRS is a major actor in French Deeptech. • Thirty start-ups and technologies created from laboratories under the supervisory authority of the CNRS and its partners will be presented at the 2021 edition of VivaTech. Visit us in Hall 1 J09. |
For its second participation in VivaTech, the global tech gathering in Europe that will take place from 16-19 June 2021 in Paris, the CNRS will present a broad sample of its know-how in Deeptech! From biotechs to greentech, quantum technologies, hydrogen, and sports, scientists and start-ups from CNRS and partner laboratories will present the technologies of the future.
"The CNRS's presence at VivaTech bears witness to the organisation's commitment to the start-ups that have emerged from its laboratories, and illustrates our voluntaristic policy fostering an entrepreneurial spirit and technology maturation for the results of scientific research,” points out CNRS Chairman and CEO Antoine Petit. “The diverse range of projects being presented reflects the research we conduct with our partners in an effort to meet the challenges facing our society. From basic research to Deeptech, the CNRS is a dynamic player in the country's economic revival."
This year, the CNRS has decided to showcase quantum technology, hydrogen, and medtech. In the field of quantum technology, visitors can learn more about: Prometheus, Quandela's single-photon source, which will be integrated in future quantum computers; the carbon nanotubes of C12 Quantum Electronics, a promising material for the quantum processors of the future; and Atlas, the in silico molecular simulator from Qubit Pharmaceuticals.
Hydrogen technologies will be represented by H2SYS, which will exhibit one of its hydrogen-powered electric generators, while H2Pulse, will provide a demonstration of a test bench for companies seeking to transition to hydrogen.
Medtech is also a leading sector of creation for start-ups at the CNRS: Healshape will present a 3D bioprinted breast implant obtained from the patient's own cells, which can be adapted to all morphologies. Grapheal will exhibit its biosensing technologies and graphene-based bandages and patches, notably for remote medical monitoring of the healing process for wounds.
Also present on the CNRS stand will be a connected pollen sensor proposed by Lify-Air, which can predict peaks in pollen, an invaluable tool for offering relief to allergic individuals. Visitors will also be able to test the SportsDynamics platform for analysing football matches from, which provides dynamic indicators of sports performance, in addition to the new sound absorbing material from Vibiscus, which is operated by artificial intelligence. It is energy-efficient, compact, and versatile, and can reduce even low frequency noise.
Finally, the robotic hand developed at the CNRS's Pprime Institute, with four fingers each with four joints, can grasp objects of varying shapes and manipulate them in intricate fashion. It will be on display in VivaTech's digital space!
Over twenty start-ups that emerged from CNRS and partner laboratories will also be present at VivaTech: Actronika (LVMH stand), Adagos (AD'OCC - Région Occitanie stand), Aqemia (Sanofi stand), Arskan (Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes stand), BeFC (BNP Paribas stand), Ciloa (Sanofi stand), Damae Medical (Dassault systèmes stand), EVerZom (Région Ile-de-France stand), GreenSysTech (Orange stand), Learning Robot (Région Ile-de-France stand), MAbSilico (Sanofi stand), Olisens (Véolia stand), Pasqal (Région Ile-de-France stand), XScalibur (Orange stand).
Also: Cosmian (BNP Paribas stand), Domoscio (ManpowerGroup stand), Exotrail (BPI France - Hall 1 - J42), GAT (région Nouvelle Aquitaine stand), Inalve (Inria - Hall 1 - D21-004), KeeeX (Région Sud stand), Neocean (AD'OCC - Région Occitanie stand), Wever (Huawei stand), Ynsect (BNP Paribas – Lab stand).
With more than 1,500 start-ups from laboratories under its supervision, the CNRS is a major actor in French Deeptech.
To download the press kit: https://www.cnrs.fr/sites/default/files/press_info/2021-06/DP_Vivatech_CNRS_vF_EN.pdf
To meet these start-ups at VivaTech, please contact Alexiane Agullo to make an appointment: alexiane.agullo@cnrs.fr