New detoxification pathway for mercury in penguins


An international team of scientists led by ESRF and CNRS scientists, the European Synchrotron, Grenoble, France, has found that emperor penguins detoxify mercury with both sulfur and selenium, a new pathway for a marine predator. This new detoxification pathway for mercury has been unveiled in a study published in the Journal of Hazardous Materials.


Mercury speciation and stable isotopes in emperor penguins: First evidence for biochemical demethylation of methylmercury to mercury-dithiolate and mercury-tetraselenolate complexes. Alain Manceau, Paco Bustamante, Etienne Richy, Yves Cherel, Sarah E. Janssen, Pieter Glatzel et Brett A. Poulin. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 13 novembre 2024.


Alain Manceau
ESRF scientist
Delphine Chenevier
Head of communications, ESRF
CNRS Press Office