Ursula Bassler, deputy director of the CNRS National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (IN2P3), is appointed president of the CERN Council

Institutional matters

Ursula Bassler, deputy director of the CNRS National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (IN2P3), was elected president of the CERN Council today, for a one-year term of office, renewable twice. As the CERN’s highest decision-making body, the Council establishes the organisation’s scientific, technical and administrative policy. It is composed of two representatives from each of the 22 member states of the organisation. Ursula Bassler, who has served as one of these representatives since 2016, will succeed Sijbrand de Jong as president of the CERN Council from 1st January 2019.

La physicienne du CNRS Ursula Bassler
Ursula Bassler, CNRS physicist, will become president of the CERN Council on 1st January 2019. © CERN

Image available here(link is external).

To find out more: read CERN’s press release(link is external).


Véronique Etienne
CNRS press officer