When you consult a website published by a CNRS entity, information may be recorded in 'cookie' files placed on your computer, tablet or mobile phone. This page gives details of what a cookie is, what…
The North Alfeo Fault runs across the seafloor at the base of Mount Etna, the tallest and currently most active European volcano, next to an urban area with a…
Technology transfer for research is one of the CNRS’s missions. With over 1,900 start-ups created over the last twenty years based on research results, the…
The newly appointed director of the CNRS Beijing Office Fermin Cuevas unveils his plans for reinforcing collaboration between the CNRS and its Chinese partners, at a time when China, as a leading…
Rencontres Innov'SHS, the flagship event for CNRS Humanities & Social Sciences, will take place at the Maison de l'Amérique Latine in Paris on October 9th. This is the perfect opportunity to find…
The sixth mass extinction seems to rally and involve people much less than the combat against global warming. As a major biodiversity research stakeholder, the CNRS and its structures do their utmost…
The Year of Geosciences is the fruit of a partnership between the CNRS and the French Ministry of Education and aims to reinforce the links between research and education. Nicolas Arnaud, the…
• Technology transfer for research is one of the missions of the CNRS. With nearly 100 start-ups created per year, and over 7,000 families of active patents, 1,300 active licenses,…