Marseille liberated!

Julia Pirotte, a photojournalist and resistance fighter, documented the first day of the Marseille uprising on 21 August, 1944, wielding her camera alongside the freedom fighters. Through her images, the historian Claire Miot recounts this little-known episode in the liberation of the city.

Anthropology tracks the Invisible

Haunted houses, ghosts, spirits… From Mongolia to the United Kingdom, the anthropologist Grégory Delaplace investigates the various ways in which the dead manifest themselves to the living. He takes these “apparitions” seriously, refusing to prejudge whether a given case is scientific fact or faith-based illusion.

Innovation hat trick

Cyril Aymonier, Lydéric Bocquet and Eleni Diamanti are the three recipients of the CNRS 2024 Innovation Medal, which rewards male and female scientists whose research has led to groundbreaking technological, therapeutic or social innovation.

The long-lost sarcophagus of Ramses II has finally been found

Solving a long-standing mystery, the sarcophagus of Ramses II has finally been identified based on a piece of granite discovered in Abydos, Egypt… in 2009. Recent analyses of the enigmatic fragment by the Egyptologist Frédéric Payraudeau confirm that it is indeed part of the famous pharaoh’s much-sought-after sarcophagus.